Three Extraordinary Women explores the lived experiences of three tenacious women.  Tapping into the warrior or fighter within, each woman has found a way to transcend adversity and trauma and achieve her dreams.

The beauty and natural terrain of "Kili" will be a constant, primary driving force in the film. There are many paths that lead to the summit of Kili. The one they’ve chosen to take, the Machame Route, is the one with the highest success rate. But these women were not given the same path in life- they were born into situations that gave them the least chances of survival. As they physically train and mentally prepare for the climb and then make their way up the dormant volcano for seven days- the film will dive deep into their past. The documentary has at its center the mission of opening the hearts and minds of girls and women to acknowledge their power, express their passion and define life on their own terms---with courage and confidence.

-Film summary adapted from the official Three (Extra)Ordinary Women website:"


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